RDC Tire Pressure Control
When you ordered your BMW
Motorrad, you chose various
items of custom equipment. This
Rider's Manual describes option-
al extras (OE) offered by BMW
and selected optional accessories
(OA). This explains why the man-
ual may also contain descriptions
of equipment which you have not
ordered. Please note, too, that
your motorcycle might not be ex-
actly as illustrated in this manual
on account of country-specific
If your BMW is equipped with
options or accessories not de-
scribed in this Rider's Manual,
then this equipment is described
in a separate operating manual.
Technical data
All dimensions, weights and out-
puts in the Rider's Manual refer
to the Deutsche Institut für Nor-
mung e. V. (DIN) and comply with
its tolerance regulations. Ver-
sions for individual countries may
Currentness of this
The high safety and quality stan-
dards of BMW motorcycles are
maintained by constant devel-
opment work on designs, equip-
ment and accessories. Because
of this, your motorcycle may dif-
fer from the information supplied
in the Rider's Manual. In addition,
BMW Motorrad cannot guarantee
the total absence of errors. We
hope you will appreciate that no
claims can be entertained on the
basis of the data, illustrations or
descriptions in this manual.
General instructions