BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC151000–BMC151099 389
BMC151026S Service module PVT OFFSET/SIZE(<offset/size>) is not consistent with
the APB(<offset/size>). <bcssid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of the Application
Enhancement Solutions (AES) product after a more current version had been
initialized. Internal control block and/or module attributes are inconsistent.
<offset/size> indicates the offset and size where the inconsistency occurred.
System Action: AES product initialization terminates.
User Response: Reinstall the current BMC Consolidated Subsystem (BCSS)
modules or the current product modules. If this fails to solve the problem, contact
BMC Software Product Support.
BMC151030S The BCSSPB service routine failed to return the address of an SPB for
the <product name> environment. <bcssid>
Explanation: An error occurred during the Application Enhancement Solutions
(AES) product initialization.
System Action: AES product initialization terminates.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC151040W Severe error was detected during Phase 1 CPU-ID validation for
<product> RC=<return code>. <bcssid>
Explanation: During Phase 1 product authorization processing for the indicated
Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) product, the validation routine detected a
severe error and issued the indicated return code.
System Action: Processing terminates.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support immediately.
BMC151041W <product> is licensed for this CPU, but the grace period has not been
reset. <bcssid>
Explanation: The indicated Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) product
is licensed to execute on this CPU; however, a product authorization violation that
occurred some time before this execution has started the grace period. If the grace
period is not reset, the product will become unusable when the grace period expires.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: Contact your BMC Software sales representative to reset the grace