Positioning your projector 19
When the screen aspect ratio is 4:3 and the projected picture is 4:3
Table B1: The screen aspect ratio is 4:3 and the projected picture is 4:3
Screen Dimensions Projected
picture size
Distance from Screen in mm Ve r t ic al
Diagonal Height Width Height Width Min
Average Max
Feet Inches mm mm mm mm mm mm
2.5 30 762 457 610 457 610 1161 1254 1347 18
4.2 50 1270 762 1016 762 1016 1935 2090 2245 30
6.7 80 2032 1219 1626 1219 1626 3097 3344 3592 49
8.3 100 2540 1524 2032 1524 2032 3871 4180 4490 61
10.0 120 3048 1829 2438 1829 2438 4645 5017 5388 73
12.5 150 3810 2286 3048 2286 3048 5806 6271 6735 91
15.0 180 4572 2743 3658 2743 3658 6967 7525 8082 110
16.7 200 5080 3048 4064 3048 4064 7742 8361 8980 122
18.3 220 5588 3353 4470 3353 4470 8516 9197 9878 134
20.0 240 6096 3658 4877 3658 4877 9290 10033 10776 146
22.5 270 6858 4115 5486 4115 5486 10451 11287 12123 165
25.0 300 7620 4572 6096 4572 6096 11612 12541 13470 183
Maximum zoom Minimum zoom
Projection distance
Center of lens
Floor Installation
Vertical Offset
Maximum zoom
Minimum zoom
Projection distance
Center of lens
Ceiling Installation
Vertical Offset