Bell View Video Entry System
System Operation
The entrance panel, which includes the camera and speech unit, should be located on
a wall adjacent to the building entrance. A visitor can contact any resident by pressing
the appropriate button on the entrance panel which will call the resident's video
telephone (sounds a buzzer), activating the display and enabling speech. The resident
can view the caller on the video screen and by picking up the handset freely converse
with the visitor. The telephone will remain active for a fixed period (adjustable 30-120
If the resident wishes the caller to gain access to the building, the DOOR button can be
pushed while the video telephone is still active; this will operate an electric lock release
on the entrance door for a short period (adjustable, typically 5 seconds).
Privacy mode (buzzer mute)
To avoid disturbance from nuisance calls the resident may push the PRIVATE button
on the video telephone. This will mute the buzzer for a fixed period (adjustable between
1 minute and 10 hours) and illuminate a red indicator lamp. Pushing the button again
will re-enable the buzzer and extinguish the lamp.
Multi-door operation
When a call is made from an entrance panel it will automatically switch operation to
that door. The camera and speech unit of the active panel will remain live for a fixed
period (adjustable 30-120 seconds) during which time the other entrances are locked
out. An optional engaged lamp may be fitted at each entrance as an indication that
another door is in use.
The resident may change the view between doors by pressing the CAMERA button.
Monitor Mode
On a single way system a resident may view the entrance at any time by pressing the
telephone VIEW button (This feature may be disabled if required).
The bellview system offers full privacy of speech, that is, only the resident who has
been called may listen and speak with the caller. On multi-way systems the CAMERA
and VIEW buttons can be made private to prevent other residents monitoring visitors.
To enhance system security and reliability a lock privacy function is provided, which
ensures only the resident who has been called can unlock an entrance.