G Wireless Router
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Changing the Wireless Channel
There are a number of operating channels you can choose from� In the
United States, there are 11 channels� In Australia, the United Kingdom,
and most of Europe, there are 13 channels� In a small number of
other countries, there are other channel requirements� Your Router
is configured to operate on the proper channels for the country you
reside in� The default channel is “Auto”� The channel can be changed if
needed� If there are other wireless networks operating in your area, your
network should be set to operate on a channel that is different than the
other wireless networks� For best performance, use a channel that is at
least five channels away from the other wireless network� For instance,
if another network is operating on channel 11, then set your network to
channel 6 or below� To change the channel, select the channel from the
drop-down list� Click “Apply Changes”�