Chapter 10 Configuring the NetServer
configuration and have a preferred sequence of steps, or if you prefer to configure
your system one component at a time.
After you have selected the NOS, version, and NOS installation mode (automated
or manual), and after you have viewed the Configuration Advisories, the Custom
Configuration screen displays the following menu:
• Essential Steps:
◊ Configure Remote Management: This utility configures the Integrated
Remote Management device for remote management. It enables
remote, dial-up server management. To configure Integrated Remote
Assistant, select Configure Remote Management on the Configure
Remote Management screen.
Configure Mass Storage: The HP NetServer is shipped with the
hot-swap drive unconfigured. If you are using integrated HP
NetRAID on one or two channels, run HP NetRAID Assistant to
configure one or more RAID logical drives. Select "Execute" on the
Configure Disk Array screen to start the HP NetRAID Assistant. For
more information, refer to the Integrated HP NetRAID Controller
Configuration Guide.
◊ Execute Board Utilities: When HP Navigator finds installed boards for
which there are additional configuration utilities on the CD-ROM, this
option becomes available to complete the configuration of the boards.
Select Execute on the Execute Board Utilities screen.
◊ Install NOS (in automated NOS installation mode), or Create Drivers
Diskette(s) (in manual NOS installation mode)
• Recommended Steps:
◊ Update System BIOS: Use this to update the system BIOS to the newer
version on the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM.
◊ Install Utility Partition: This step creates an 8 MB utility partition on
the server hard disk where HP Navigator will copy DiagTools, the
BIOS update utility, the event log report utility, the disk array utility,
the NIC configuration utility, the Integrated Remote Assistant utilities,
troubleshooting utilities, and other utilities. It is not available for SCO
UNIX. Select Execute on the Install Utility Partition screen.
• Select View System Information on the Show System Information screen
to display information about standard and accessory boards and devices in
the system.