
Client Applications
2. Right-click My Device and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. In the Bluetooth Configuration Panel
, select the Local Services tab.
Double-click the Bluetooth Serial Port service to display its Service Properties dialog box
. The
Service Properties dialog box displays the communications port that the connection is using.
To close a Bluetooth serial port connection:
1. On the
Client, open My Bluetooth Places by double-clicking the icon on your desktop.
2. Select the device that is providing the Bluetooth Serial Port service.
3. Right-click Bluetooth Serial Port and then select
Disconnect Bluetooth Serial Port from the pop-up
Another method to close the connection is from the Server. However, this is not recommended:
1. On the Server, open My Bluetooth Places by double-clicking the icon on your desktop.
2. Select My Device
3. Right-click Bluetooth Serial Port and then select Stop to close the service. The service must be re-
started before it will be available to remote devices.
Note: To restart connection, right-click Bluetooth Serial Port and select Start from the pop-up menu.