• Server has access to the Local Area Network (LAN). If the LAN provides Internet access, the
connection can be verified by using the server’s browser to connect to the Internet through the
1. Configure Bluetooth - right-click the Bluetooth icon in the notification area, select Advanced
Configuration, and then
• From the Local Services tab, select Network Access, and then click Properties.
• From the General tab, in the Select the type of service drop-down list, select Allow other devices
to access the Internet/LAN via this computer, and then in the Connection Sharing section, select
Configure Connection Sharing to display
- Windows XP - the Network Connections window
- Windows 2000 - the Network and Dial-up Connections window
2. Configure Windows
• Right-click Local Area Connection, select Properties, and then
- Windows XP - from the Advanced tab, in the Internet Connection Sharing section, select Allow
other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection. Then select Bluetooth
Connection in the Home Networking drop-down list, if available. (The Home Networking drop-down
list is not available on all versions of Windows XP.) - Windows 2000 - from the Sharing tab, in the
Internet Connection Sharing section, select Enable
Internet Connection Sharing for this connection.