Each year, several natural and man-made occurrences put the power supplied to your
electronics in your home or office in jeopardy. At risk are your hardware, software, and
data because of these power problems.
This product is designed to provide clean power to all computer systems and peripherals
with maximum protection. It integrates quality surge protection and battery backup
capabilities to provide complete power protection for your computer, modem, hard drive,
and other related equipment. This product will safeguard against power disturbances of
all kinds; blackouts, surges, spikes and line noise contamination.
1 - Inspection
Remove the UPS from its package and inspect it for damage that may have occurred
during shipping. If any damage is discovered, re-pack the unit and return it to the
place of purchase.
2 - Placement
Install the UPS unit in any protected environment that provides adequate airflow around
the unit, and is free from excessive dust, corrosive fumes and conductive contaminants.
DO NOT operate your UPS in an environment where the ambient temperature exceeds