Home Base
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There are three ways to attach your Home Base to your
wireless network:
• WiredSetupofWirelessMode
• WPSPushButtonConfiguration
• WPSPINConfiguration
Wired Setup of Wireless Mode
Note: If Home Base is powered on while plugged into a router, it
will operate as a wired device. To enable Wireless mode, follow
instructions below.
The setup software will help you make Home Base operate as a member
of your wireless network.
1. Start by connecting your Home Base to your router.
(You’ll unplug it later.)
2. Connect the AC adapter.
3. Run the setup software and follow the software’s instructions
to set up the Home Base.
4. When offered wireless setup, select a wireless network.
5. The setup software will tell Home Base what network you chose.
Follow the software’s instructions to unplug your Home Base from
the router and turn it off and on.
6. Your Home Base will then operate as a member of your
wireless network.