G Wireless Modem Router
SECTIONSTable of Contents 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 105
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
WPA is a new Wi-Fi standard that was designed to improve upon the
security features of WEP� To use WPA security, the drivers and software
of your wireless equipment must be upgraded to support WPA� These
updates will be found on the wireless vendors’ websites� There are two
types of WPA security: WPA-PSK (no server) and WPA (with 802�1x
radius server)�
WPA-PSK (no server)
This method uses what is known as a “pre-shared key” as the
network key� A network key is basically a password that is between
eight and 63 characters long� It can be a combination of letters,
numbers, or characters� Each client uses the same network key to
access the network� Typically, this is the mode that will be used in a
home environment�
WPA (with 802.1x radius server)
With this system, a radius server distributes the network key to the
clients automatically� This is typically found in a business environment�
The Router features WPA2, which is the second generation of the
WPA-based 802�11i standard� It offers a higher level of wireless security
by combining advanced network authentication and stronger AES
encryption methods�
WPA2 Requirements
IMPORTANT: In order to use WPA2 security, all your computers and
wireless client adapters must be upgraded with patches, drivers,
and client utility software that support WPA2� At the time of this
User Manual’s publication, a couple security patches are available,
for free download, from Microsoft
� These patches work only with
the Windows XP operating system� Other operating systems are not
supported at this time�