
Virtual Servers
Virtual Servers allow you to route external (Internet) calls for services such as a
web server (port 80), FTP server (Port 21), or other applications, through your
Router to your internal network. Since your internal computers are protected by a
firewall, machines from the Internet cannot get to them because they cannot be
“seen”. If you need to configure the Virtual Server function for a specific
application, you will need to contact the application vendor to find out which
port settings you need.
Entering Settings into the Virtual Server
To enter settings, enter the last digit of your LAN IP address in the space
provided for the internal machine, input the Protocol Type (TCP or UDP), and the
LAN Port & Public Port number required to pass, select “Enable” and click “Set”.
Opening ports in your firewall can pose a security risk. You can enable and
disable settings very quickly. It is recommended that you disable the settings
when you are not using a specific application.
Client IP Filters
The Router can be configured to restrict access to the Internet, e-mail, or other
network services at specific days and times. Restriction can be set for a single
computer, a range of computers, or multiple computers.