System Administration
Once all certificate files are uploaded, users shall initiate a reboot command manually to
make the new certificate effective.
Browse prepared CA files (follow the procedure in Appendix E to prepare correctly the three
CA files with the same assigned file names), and upload these files to the Console Server.
Please double-check each file before uploading. A false CA file suite may disable secure
HTTP function.
A secure Console Server web service is launched by the browser’s https connection (service
port 443). The browser will prompt you with a security alert to notify you of the certificate.
You must accept the certificate to start the secure web service. Users can choose to “View
Certificate” and justify whether the connected web server is trustworthy.
• IfCAlesaredamaged,userscanrollbacktheCAlestothefactorydefault
through “System > Reset to Factory Defaults”. The old CA files will be recovered.
• BecausethelengthoftheCAlepathnameislimited(256characters),itis
recommended to put all your files under “C:\upgrade” for easy administration.
• AppendixEdetailsthewaytocreateCAlesfromscratch.