OmniView IP 5000 HQ
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G) Legacy KVM port switching does not occur.
1. Check the cable connectivity from the KVM-over-IP device to the
KVM switch.
2. Confirm that from the local console (using the KVM switch hot key),
you can switch between the KVM ports.
3. Confirm that the KVM switch selection on the OmniView IP 5000HQ
matches the KVM switch hot-key definition.
H) Cannot log in to the OmniView IP 5000HQ.
1. If the OmniView IP 5000HQ is configured to work with LDAP server
(Windows 2003 Server Active Directory) authentication, ensure that
connection between the OmniView IP 5000HQ and Active Directory is
working properly.
2. Restore the unit to factory default settings. Log in with the admin/
SMBremote account and then restore the OmniView IP 5000HQ
database backup.
J) All devices display Alarm mode after a firmware upgrade of the
OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager.
Restart the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager. After the upgrade, the
OmniView IP 5000HQ had not completed the restart process.
K) I am unable to see the OmniView IP 5000HQ web interface
without error messages appearing.
For added security, a SafeNet Sentinel security key is connected internally
to a USB port of OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager.
If the key is disconnected during operation of the system, users are
unable to log in and an error message appears.
Users that were logged in before the key was disconnected are
unaffected by the key being disconnected.
To allow access, reconnect the SafeNet Sentinel security key and restart
the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager.