Barco - RHDM-1701 - Maintenance Manual ______________________________________________ 43
Abbreviations and acronyms
11 Abbreviations and acronyms
°C Degrees Celsius
°F Degrees Fahrenheit
ActEv Actions + Events (name of a Barco software product)
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ALC Automatic Light Control
AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APA Automatic Phase Adjustment
AR Anti Reflective
a-Si TFT Amorphous Silicone Thin-Film Transistor
AWG American Wire Gauge
BARCO Belgian-American Radio Corporation
BCM Barco wall Control Manager
CAN Controller Area Network
CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
CCIR Consulting Committee International
cd candela
CE Conducted Emissions, Conformity European (safety)
CIE Commission International de l’Éclairage (Illumination)
CM Console Mount
cm centimeter
CMS Control room Management Software
CoG Combined sync on Green
CR Contrast Ratio
CS Combined Sync
CS Conducted Susceptibility
CVBS Composite Video Blanking Sync
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DC Direct Current
DDC Display Data Channel