1. Liquid Cooling Circuit
• Safety
• Introduction
• Diagnostics
1.1 Safety
WARNING: Hazardous product: Blue antifreeze diluted 1,2 ethanediol (1/3 ethanediol – 2/3 Demi water).
Not for household use. Keep out of reach of children. Harmful by oral intake. Avoid exposure to pregnant
women. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid inhale of the noxious fumes.
Handling the cooling liquid
• Avoid contact of the liquid with Eyes, Skin and Clothing.
• Avoid inhaling of the noxious fumes.
• Conserve the product in the original packag e and in a well ventilated room.
Personal protection rules
• Handle the cooling liquid in a w ell ventilated room.
• Under no circumstance s eat, drink and smoke while handling t he liquid.
• Wear gloves (Butylrubber, PVC....) and Goggles.
• Wear suitable protection clothing.
1.2 Introduction
Much heat has to be extracted from the DMD’s and from the light pipe entrance during operation of the projector. The liquid cooling
circuit takes care of this. The liquid cooling circuit is a closed loop of flexible tubing comprising of a pump, thre e cooling b locks for
the DMD’s, a cooling block for the light pipe entrance, a heat exchan
ger, a pressure vessel and a manometer. The cooling liquid
inside the circuit absorbs the heat of the cooling blocks. Via the pump, the heated-up liquid is transported to the heat exchanger,
which in turn cools down the liquid.
The p ressu re vessel in the circuit makes it possible to put a small pressure on the cooling liquid. The required pressure exerted via
the pressure vessel serves to prevent cavitation and hence ensures the good working condition of the pump. Note that the pressure
doesn’t influence the cooling capacity of the system.