342 Performance
Section 5 • fuel SyStem
2. fuelinG precauTions
Certain precautions must be carefully and completely
observed every time a boat is fueled, even with
diesel fuel. Diesel fuel is nonexplosive but it will
a. sTaTic elecTriciTY anD The fuel
There is a danger that static electricity can ignite
gasoline vapors that have not been ventilated
outside an enclosed area. Use extreme caution
when fueling your boat from a source outside the
regular venues.
Your boat has safety features that can be
circumvented by not adhering to standard fueling
Your boat's bonding system is designed to dissipate
the build-up of static electricity.
Your boat must be in contact with the water or a land
based grounding system. Here are some helpful
suggestions to keep you safe from static electricity
while refueling your boat.
• NEVER fuel your boat in unsafe conditions such
as: suspended on a sling or in a situation that
increases the likelihood of static discharge.
• NEVER use homemade containers to ll your
fuel tank.
• Fuel carried onboard, outside of a xed fuel
system should be stored in an approved
container or in a portable tank, such as provided
for outboard engines, and be stowed safely
outside of the engine or living compartments.
• Shutdown the engine, motors, and fans prior to
taking on fuel. Any ignition sources should be
extinguished before lling the fuel tank.
• Close all ports, window, doors, and hatches to
prevent gas fumes from accumulating in the
• Fueling should never be done at night except
in well-lighted areas.
• Always keep the fuel nozzle in contact with the
fuel ll plate or the edge of the fuel tank opening
throughout the lling process.
• Allow areas where gasoline vapors could collect
to be ventilated before starting the engine.
• Wipe any spillage completely and dispose of
rags or waste on shore.
• Secure the ll cap tightly.
• Fuel tank should never be lled to capacity.
Allow for fuel expansion.
• Portable tanks should only be lled while on the
ground; never onboard the boat.
b. General:
• Check ll plate label to ensure fuel is placed only
in fuel tank. Fuel ll plate is located on the port
side of the boat.
• Avoid spills.
• Know your fuel capacity and consumption.
Record the amount of fuel used since your last
ll up, and compute the engine’s hourly fuel
usage. As a fuel gauge backup check, deduct
the average hourly fuel usage from fuel tank
• Observe the “Rule of Thirds”: one-third fuel for
trip out, one-third for return and one-third for
• Allow an additional 15 percent fuel reserve when
operating in rough seas.
c. before anD DurinG fuelinG –
• Fire extinguisher – close at hand.
• Mooring – boat tied securely to fueling pier.
• Crew – at least one knowledgeable person
• Passengers – unnecessary people off the
• Engines – stopped.