Axiom Line User Guide
Section 3: Advanced Features
In section 2 we saw how to use the keyboard, send program and bank changes, and assign MIDI controllers to the various controls
on your Axiom. These basic skills allow you to perform with many software applications, sound modules and synthesizers. However,
the Axiom has some more advanced features that allow you to take your performances even further. In this section we look at these
features and how you can make use of them.
(If you have not done so already, please familiarize yourself with the various functions used when programming your Axiom. Details
of these functions are given in section 2)
3.1 MIDI Controllers
Appendix C lists all the standard MIDI controller messages and some additional common messages all of which can be assigned to
the controls on your Axiom.
Here we introduce an expanded list of MIDI controllers and also different ways that the controls on the Axiom are able to function.
Since these extra controller numbers are specific to different types of controls on the Axiom, please consult the appendices:
Axiom Control Controller Definition Table
Sliders (Axiom 49/61 only)
Appendix D
Aftertouch strip
Appendix D
Expression pedal
Appendix D
Pitch Bend wheel Appendix D
Modulation wheel Appendix D
Sustain pedal Appendix E
Transport buttons
Appendix E
Assignable buttons (Axiom 49/61 only)
Appendix E
Rotary encoders
Appendix F
Pressure Pads
Appendix G
Each MIDI controller has either two or three extra data parameters associated with it, as shown in the appendices listed above. The
function of these extra data parameters depends on what MIDI controller number is assigned to the selected Axiom control. The
appendices above show the details of what this functionality may be. The extra data parameters for a controller are accessed using
the Data 1, Data 2 and Data 3 buttons on the 49- and 61-note versions, and the Advanced button, followed by the Data 1, Data 2 or
Data 3 keys on the 25-note version.
The useful programming examples given below describe some of the uses for these extra data parameters.
3.1.1 Limiting the Range of Controllers
It is possible to limit the range of the sliders, aftertouch strip, expression pedal or encoders on your Axiom.
This is achieved using
the extra data parameters for the controller as follows:
49- and 61-note versions:
< Set the physical controller to transmit a MIDI controller message as described in section 2.4.2.
< Press Data 2 and enter the minimum value for the controller’s range.
< Press Data 3 and enter the maximum value for the controller’s range.
25-note version:
< Set the physical controller to transmit a MIDI controller message as described in section 2.4.2.
< Press the Advanced button.
< Press the Data 2 key and enter the minimum value for the controller’s range.
< Press Enter to confirm the change for the minimum value.
< Press the Advanced button.
< Press the Data 3 key and enter the maximum value for the controller’s range.
< Press Enter to confirm the change for the maximum value.