© 2008 Directed Electronics—All rights reserved
warranty. All dealers are provided with a preprinted dealer certif-
icate to verify authorization.
By carefully reading this Owner's Guide prior to using your
system, you will maximize the use of this system and its features.
You can print additional or replacement copies of this manual by
accessing our web site at www.directed.com.
System maintenance
The system requires no specific maintenance beyond remote
battery replacement. The remote is powered by a 1.5V AAA
The battery level indicator has three level indicators that serve as
a visual indication of battery charge. When the battery reaches a
low charge level that requires replacment, the remote generates
a single notification chirp, and the battery level indicator flashes
Battery Replacement
Gently pull the battery cover release tab, thenslide the door
down to expose the baattery and remove the expired battery.
Place the new battery into the remote observing the correct
polarity. When power is returned the remote lights all icons in
the LCD and gnerates all beeper tones at once.
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