
2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn OOppttiioonnss
Installation options may require additional parts or labor. Please
consult your dealer.
PPrrooggrreessssiivvee UUnnlloocckkiinngg::
With electric power door locks, the system
can be configured so that when disarmed, only the driver’s door
unlocks. A second press of the disarm button within 15 seconds of
disarming unlocks the remaining doors.
HHoorrnn HHoonnkk::
If connected, the horn will sound if the alarm is either
triggered by an intrusion or activated by Panic Mode. (In most vehi-
cles, this feature requires that an additional relay be installed.)
IInntteerriioorr LLiigghhtt IIlllluummiinnaattiioonn::
The interior domelight can be configured
to illuminate for 30 seconds after the alarm is disarmed. If the sys-
tem is rearmed during that 30-second period, the interior light illu-
mination will terminate until the alarm is disarmed once again.