1 2
Group Solo Mute
In Recall Mode
All Volumes
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14
15 16
Pan and Volume Controls
To make changes to a Channel from an A-16CS:
• Select a Channel by pressing its numbered button—the
upper LED will light.
• Rotate the V
OLUME knob to the right to increase the
volume, to the left to lower the volume
• While the Channel is still selected, you can also change
the Pan setting. Rotate the PAN knob left or right to
change the position of the Channel in the stereo field.
Muting a Channel
While creating a mix, any Channel or combination of Channels can be
muted. Likewise any Groups that have been created can also be muted.
Unlike the Solo Mode, the changes you make with the M
UTE button
can be saved as part of a Preset.
To mute a Channel from an A-16CS:
• Select a Channel (or Group)
• Press the M
UTE button
• The yellow LED in the Channel button lights on both
the A-16CS and A-16R
To unmute a Channel or Group:
• Select a muted Channel
• Press the M
UTE button
• The yellow LED in the Channel button will go out
Additional Channels can be muted or unmuted by following the same
procedure—first select the Channel, then press the MUTE button.