The A-16R can send the following data types from the MIDI
Out jack:
• Single Preset files - the current system settings includ-
ing volume, pan, mute, and group information are
• All Preset files - the sixteen saved user Presets are
transmitted as a single data dump.
The A-16R can receive the following sysex data types:
• Single Preset files - saved mix information is loaded
into the current mix state.
• All Preset files - the A-16R’s current sixteen mix
Presets are replaced with the data from a set of sixteen
saved Presets.
The A-16R is capable of saving and restoring Presets via MIDI only
when the front panel R
EMOTE/LOCAL switch is in the LOCAL position.
In the REMOTE position, MIDI communication is disabled.
Note: The MIDI Thru jack will always echo data
appearing at the MIDI In jack regardless of the
position of the R
Saving Presets
The A-16R can save Preset information to the internal memory
or via MIDI SysEx any time it is in Save Mode. The A-16R Save
Mode is entered by holding down the R
ECALL and GROUP buttons
simultaneously. Holding the R
ECALL and GROUP button combination
flashes the Recall and Group LEDs to indicate that you can save
To save a Preset to internal memory, you press a numbered Channel
button to store the current mix at the selected location.
To save a Preset or group of presets via MIDI, the S
buttons are used in combination with the RECALL and GROUP buttons.
Save One Mix Preset via MIDI
To save the current mix as a Preset via MIDI SysEx:
1. Recall a Preset (or edit a Preset to create a new mix)
including volume, pan, mutes and groups for up to
sixteen channels of audio as required. Editing can be
done from the front panel of the A-16R or from the
optional A-16CS.