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• Electrical Trouble Shooting User Manual Model 676 LOKPRINT®
Electrical Trouble Shooting
Power Up / Sign On / Communications
Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action
Machine fails to power up
with no light present in
the AC power switch.
1) Incorrect power voltage. 1) Confirm that the AC entry is configured for the
line voltage intended to be applied to the
machine. Failure to do so can damage the
machine's internal power supply. Refer to the
"Fuse Configuration".
2) Lack of power to machine. 2) Check that both ends of the power cord are
plugged in securely.
2A) Confirm that the outlet the machine is plugged
into has power.
3) Missing or blown fuse(s) 3) Check that the fuse(s) located inside the AC
entry are present and intact. Replace as needed.
Refer to the "Fuse Configuration".
Machine fails to power up
with light present in the
AC power switch.
1) Unconnected cable / connector
inside machine.
1) Power off and remove the power cord from the
AC entry. Remove the back cover and inspect
the cables and connectors to and from the power
supply. Refer to the "Electrical System
2) Thermal Control Board
unplugged from the Mother Board
2) Power off and remove the power cord from the
AC entry. Remove the back cover and reseat the
Thermal Control Board.
Front panel displays no text
or nothing at all.
1) Front panel cable unplugged. 1) Power off and remove the power cord from the
AC entry. Remove the back cover and inspect
the cable and connectors to and from the front
panel. Refer to the "Electrical System