Sending an incoming call to voice mail
Press the To Vmail softkey to send an incoming call directly to voicemail. If your telephone
does not display a To Vmail softkey, your administrator has not made this feature
Ignoring an incoming call
Press the Ignore softkey to turn off the ringer for an incoming call.
Muting a Call
When the call is muted, the Mute button light is on and the top line displays the Mute icon.
1. Press the Mute button during a call so that the other person cannot hear you.
2. Press the Mute button again to unmute the call.
Putting a Call on Hold
1. Press Phone/Exit to view the main Phone screen, if necessary.
2. If you are not active on the line you want to put on hold, select that line.
3. Press Hold.
A hold timer may display when you put a call on hold. For more information, see
Turning the call timer on or off.
4. Press Resume or the line button of the held call to retrieve the call.
Transferring a Call
1. From the Phone screen, select the line you want to transfer.
2. Press Transfer.
3. Dial the telephone number, or call the person from the Contacts list, or call the
person from the Call Log list.
4. Press Complete or Transfer to transfer the call.
Conference Calls
You can use conference calls to speak with up to five people in different locations on the
same call. Additional conferencing options may be available through Expanded Meet-Me
Conferencing. Contact your system administrator for more information about this
feature.When logged in as an agent, you can conference a work-related (call center) call
with a regular call. When the conference ends, the Agent screen displays again.
Setting up a conference call
1. From the Phone screen, select your active call.
2. Press .
3. Dial the telephone number,or call the person from the Contacts list, or call the
person from the Call Log list.
4. When the person answers, press Join to add the person to the existing call.
5. Press Add and repeat these steps to add another person to the conference call.
Setting up a conference call
16 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC User Guide