
2. The FRS-3000PK has been designed to maximize performance
and improve transmission range in the field. To avoid interference, it
is recommended that you do not use the units closer than 5 feet apart.
3. For best transmission results, always keep your mouth about 2-3
inches from the microphone (12, *14) and speak slowly in a normal
4. To increase battery life in the hand-held transceiver, avoid features
such as Scan and Dual Watch. These features will reduce operating
time considerably.
Remove the batteries from the hand-held transceiver if it is not expected
to be used for long periods. This will eliminate the possibility of chemi-
cals leaking from the batteries and corroding the transceiver.
Avoid exposing the transceivers to water or extremes of temperature.
Do not use these devices in or near a mining facility, which uses re-
motely triggered explosives or in areas labeled “Blasting Area”. Prema-
ture or accidental detonation may result.
Do not attempt to modify or in any way increase the output of these
transceivers. The outputs are designed to meet the legal limits set by the
Do not use these devices or change the batteries in potentially explo-
sive atmospheres as sparks in such areas could result in an explo-
Turn your transceiver off wherever posted notices restrict the use of radios
or cellular telephones. Facilities such as hospitals may use equipment
that is sensitive to RF energy.
Turn your transceiver off on board aircraft when requested to do so.
Do not place your hand-held radio in front of a vehicle’s air-bag. If the
air-bag deploys, it could propel the transceiver like a projectile causing
bodily injury.