• Remove the batteries from the transceiver if it is not expected to be used for
long periods. This will eliminate the possibility of battery acid leaking from
the batteries and corroding the transceiver.
• Avoid exposing the unit to water or extremes of temperature.
• Do not use this device in or near a mining facility, which uses remotely
triggered explosives or in areas labeled “Blasting Area”. Premature or acci-
dental detonation may result.
• Do not attempt to modify or in any way increase the output of this transceiver.
Its output is designed to meet the legal limits set by the FCC.
• Do not use this device or change its batteries in potentially explosive atmo-
spheres as sparks in such areas could result in an explosion.
• Turn your transceiver off wherever posted notices restrict the use of radios or
cellular telephones. Facilities such as hospitals may use equipment that is
sensitive to RF energy.
• Turn your transceiver off on-board aircraft when requested to do so.
• Do not place your transceiver in front of a vehicle’s air-bag. If the air-bag
deploys, it could propel the transceiver like a projectile.
• This transceiver complies with F.C.C. regulations for use in the United States.
Use in other countries may be prohibited or restricted by local regulation.
Please check with the local regulating agency before using this device out-
side of the United States.
Monitor Function
The Monitor (M) button can be used to play all signals present on a channel.
This is useful when communicating with other parties at extreme range. The
monitor function can be locked on by pressing the Monitor (M) button for two
seconds. When the monitor lock has been activated, the LCD display will indicate
BUSY and the receive indicator lightning bolt appears. Pressing the monitor
button a second time will unlock the monitor function.