This Product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of
certain U.S. Patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and
other rights owners. Use of this copyrightprotection technology must beauthorized by Macrovision
Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise
authorizedby MacrovisionCorporation. Reverseengineering ordisassembly isprohibited.
An LCD paneland/or video monitor maybe installed in amotor vehicle and visible tothe driver if the
LCD panel or video monitor is usedfor vehicle information, system control, rear or side observation
or navigation. Ifthe LCD panel or video monitoris used for television reception, video or DVD play,
the LCD panel or video monitor must be installed sothat these features will only function when the
vehicleis in"park" orwhen thevehicle's parkingbrakeis applied.
An LCD panel or video monitor used fortelevision reception, video or DVD play that operates when
the vehicle is in gear or when the parking brake is not applied must be installed to the rear of the
driver'sseat whereit willnot bevisible, directlyorindirectly, tothe operatorof themotorvehicle.
Licensedunder oneor moreof thefollowing patents:
PatentNumbers: 5,583,936; 6,381,747; 6,516,132; 6,836,549; and7,050,698.