Preference Page
Disc Menu
This function allows you tochoose themenu languagestored onthe disc.
Optional Settings: English, Spanish, French,Italian
The default setting is English.
Note: This function is only available forDVD playback.
This function prevents children fromwatching unsuitableDVD content.You can limit the contentof
movie playback from 1. KidSafe to8.Adult. The lower thevalue, themore strict the control. The
restriction of viewing disc contentby youngerviewers maybe availableon somediscs butnot others.
Optional Settings: 1. KID SAFE; 2. G; 3. PG; 4. PG 13; 5. PGR; 6. R; 7. NC17; 8. ADULT.
The default setting is 8. ADULT.
Note: rating level can only bechanged when
he correct password has beenentered.
Parental Control features are passwordprotected. The
This function allows you toreset allsettings tothe originalfactory settings.Select thisitem andpress
the “OK” button.
Note: This function does not reset theParental levelto theoriginal factorysetting.
Password Setup Page
This option allows you toset apassword (fournumbers).
Note: The default password is 3308. This password is always accepted evenafter anew password
has been entered. To avoid the possibility of others using the default passwordto change
passwords, record this default passwordin anotherarea anddelete it from this manual.