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WARNING! Be certain that the vehicle is outdoors before using this or any remote vehicle starting device. A
running engine produces dangerous carbon monoxide fumes which can be harmful or fatal if
prolonged exposure occurs. DO NOT remote start the vehicle if it is garaged.
1) Turn the ignition key on then off.
2) Within 10 seconds, activate the RF start command two times. (Push theprogrammed channel button
of your keychain transmitter 4 times).
The parking lights will flash and the siren will chirp 2 or 4 times indicating the timed start mode is activated.
The vehicle, on a 2 or 4 hour interval basis, dependent on the number of chirps heard when activated
as described above will automatically start, run for the pre-programmed time (5,10,15 or 20 minutes),
and then shut off. This will continue for 48 hours.
NOTE: The automatic start up timer can also be initiated from the keychain transmitter. To do this:
1) Start the vehicle using the keychain transmitter by pressing and releasing the
second channel transmitter button 2 times.
2) Shut off the vehicle using the keychain transmitter by pressing and releasing the second channel
transmitter button 2 times.
3) Within 10 seconds of step 2, activate the RF start command two times.
(Push the second channel button of your keychain transmitter 4 times).
The parking lights will flash and the siren will chirp 4 times indicating the timed start mode is activated.
To cancel the automatic start up timer do one of the following;
1) Start the vehicle manually with the use of the ignition key and depress the brake pedal.
2) Remote start the vehicle using your keychain RF transmitter.
At times it may become necessary to program replacement or additional transmitters for use with your
system. To do this:
1) With the system unlocked or disarmed, turn the ignition key to the on position.
2) Press and release the Program/Override push-button switch three times
The unit will flash the parking lights and or beep the horn once to indicate that the system is in the transmit-
ter program mode. The LED will also flash one time pause, one time pause, etc... indicating that you are in
the transmitter program mode of the unit’s channel 1 or single button program mode.
3) Press and hold the lock button of each additional transmitter you wish to operate your system.
NOTE: The unit is capable of storing up to 4 transmitters. If a fifth transmitter is added, the first transmitter
programmed will be bumped out.
Once all transmitter have been programmed, turn the ignition switch off to exit the program mode.
The system allows priority button programming in case you intend to operate two vehicle with one transmit-
ter. In this instance you will program the default button combination, (One Button Programming), for the
main vehicle you drive, and a different combination for the second vehicle so you are not unlocking, locking,
or starting both vehicles when they are within range of each other.
To prioritize transmitters after programming the transmitter into the first vehicle:
Enter the transmitter program of the second vehicle as above by:
1) With the system unlocked or disarmed, turn the ignition key to the on position.
2) Press and release the push-button switch three times
The unit will flash the parking lights and or beep the horn once to indicate that the system is in the transmit-
ter program mode. The LED will also flash one time pause, one time pause, etc... indicating that you are in
the transmitter program mode of the unit’s channel 1 or single button program mode.
3) Press and hold any combination of buttons of your transmitter that was not used for your primary vehicle.
If, for instance you can press & hold the lock & unlock buttons simultaneously, for controlling Lock function
of the second vehicle.
4) Press and release the program push-button switch once to advance to channel 2, unlock.
Here you can press and hold the lock & start buttons simultaneously, for controlling the unlock function of
the second vehicle.
5) Press and release the program push-button switch once to advance to channel 3, start.
Here you can press and hold the start & option buttons simultaneously, for controlling the start function of
the second vehicle.