3. Utilities
ASUS Pocket Wireless Router 41
Chapter 3 - Software Configuration
IP Config (Cont.)
Click an item on the menu to reveal a submenu.
Follow the instructions to set up the ASUS Wireless
Router. Tips are displayed when you move your
cursor over an item.
Enable UPnP – Selecting “Yes” to
enable UPnP, it will allow your
Wireless Router to be found
automatically by systems, such as
Windows XP. And it allows these
systems to automatically configure
the Wireless Router for various
Internet applications, such as gaming
and video conferencing.
Remote Log Server – This feature
allows you to assign a remote server
to record log messages of the
Wireless Router. If you leave it blank, system will record up to 1024
messages on the Wireless Router only.
Time Zone – This field indicates time zone where you are locating in.
NTP Server – NTP Server is a time server on the Internet that allows the
Wireless Router to synchronize its system time to. You can keep the default
IP address or set to the IP address of an NTP server that you prefer.
DDNS Setting
Dynamic - DNS (DDNS) allows user to export host name to Internet through
DDNS service provider. Each time the ASUS Wireless Router connect to
Internet and get an IP address from ISP, this function will update your IP
address to DDNS service provider automatically, so that any user on Internet
can access the ASUS Wireless or servers behind it through a predefined
name registered in DDNS service provider.
Enable the DDNS Client? – Selecting “Yes” to enable DDNS update,
then each time your IP address to WAN is changed, the information will be
updated to DDNS service provider automatically.