ASUS P/I-P55T2P4 User's Manual 11
9. Memory Cacheable Size (JP4)
The default of 64MB uses only the onboard TAG SRAM which allows cacheable
memory up to 64MB. If you install DRAM above 64MB and wish to allow
cacheable memory above 64MB, you need to install a TAG SRAM upgrade or
use a cache module with an extended TAG SRAM (such as 256KB ASUS CM1
Rev 3.0 with 2 TAG SRAM's) but not both and set this jumper to 512MB. See
page 12 for TAG SRAM upgrade and page 14 for cache module information.
WARNING: If there are DRAM cache chips (MCache) either onboard or on
the SIMM cache module instead of pipelined burst SRAM chips, this jumper
must be set to 64MB. 512MB will make the system unstable. Mcache chips can
only allow cacheable memory up to 64MB. See "Map of Motherboard" on page
4 for L2 cache locations. If the cache module that you install already have an
extended tag, do not install another TAG SRAM into the TAG SRAM Upgrade
Cacheable Size JP4
64MB (BSRAM/MCache) [1-2] (Default)
512MB (BSRAM Only) [2-3]
Cacheable Size (64MB/512MB)
64MB Cacheable (Default)
Burst SRAM or MCache
512MB Cacheable
Burst SRAM Only
Compatible Cyrix CPU Identification
The only Cyrix CPU that is supported on this motherboard is
labeled Cyrix 6x86-PR166+ but must be Revision 2.7 or later.
Look on the underside of the CPU for the serial number. The
number should read G8DC6620A or later.