
IPS 1000 Series VoIP Gateway
13. Use Private IP (Behind NAT)
Using a Private IP in a NAT Environment
The IPS unit is able to communicate with other IPS units under a NAT environment using Private IP
addresses on the LAN side of your IP Sharing device. However you must configure the IP Sharing
device to treat the IPS unit as a Virtual Server using UDP port 5060, 2000.
You will have to ask MIS personnel to enable the ports listed in the following table.
Packet Modes Using Ports
SIP Signal Packets UDP 5060
IPS Signaling Port UDP 2000
IPS RTP Base Port UDP 4000
FTP software upgrade TCP 21
Web management TCP 80
If you want to use private IP behind NAT and Proxy Server is in Internet, you must need to enable STUN
service. If the system is installed in VPN, it is not necessary to Enable Stun.