5.3 Configurable Items
5.3.1 Data Range
Syntax for the data descriptions:
In the Phone Set Programming Mode, all data entered is a combination of the 12 keys shown on the
keypad on the phone set panel.
x or 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9: Digits that range from 0 to 9
'*': Keypad "*"
'#': Keypad "#"
f(0 ~ 9): Digits that range from 0 to 9
f(0~9, *, #): String with digits that range from 0 to 9 or characters * and #.
xf(0~9): x number of digits using digits that range from 0 to 9. For example, 4f(0~9) means a four digit
number like 0000, 1111, 1234, 9999 etc.
]f(0~9): Number of x
to x
digits and the range of digits is from 0 to 9. Example, [1,2]f(1~9) means a
number of one or two digits, and the digits used are between 1 to 9, like 12, 22, 34, 1, 2 etc. But
does not include 01, 02, 10, 20 etc.
+: Compound operator, which combines more than one definition into a string of digits. Example, f(0~9, *,
#) + [1,5]f(0,9) means that this is a string that has at least one character with the range f(0~9, *,#)
and then 1 to 5 digits as the compound result.
5.3.2 Configurable Items
Code Description Data after item code
01 DHCP Status 0 : Disable ; 1: Enable
02 IP Address xxx,'*',xxx,'*',xxx,'*',xxx
03 Subnet Mask xxx,'*',xxx,'*',xxx,'*',xxx
04 Default Gateway xxx,'*',xxx,'*',xxx,'*',xxx
05 Group ID [1,10]f(0~9), the number is between 0 to
06 Master IP Address xxx,'*',xxx,'*',xxx,'*',xxx; if this
gateway is the master, and it is the