Selecting the radio channel
The radio modem in the WZE-3 utilises a specific
scheme of constantly changing frequencies, making the
connection between the different radio units very robust
against interference. The even channels on the radio
channel selector switch (numbers 0, 2, 4, 6) utilize the
upper half of the bandwidth (2444 - 2472 MHz) while
the odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7) use the lower frequencies
(2406 - 2435 MHz).
To establish a connection between one or more Wireless
Main Units (a maximum of three per radio channel is
possible), the WZE-3 must be set to the same radio
channel as the receiving URM-2/-3, UMC-3, LDB-2 or
ARRIFLEX 416 plus (HS).
It is not possible to control two receiving units with one
Note: In case two remote systems with the "-2" or "-3"
series modems (yellow antenna washer) are
on the same set, it is recommended to set one
of the systems to an upper (even) channel and
one system to a lower (odd) channel number.
4. Setup
Attaching the WZE-3 to the ZMU-3
Plug the WZE-3 onto the ZMU-3 and secure the connec-
tion using the ZMU-3 bracket D photo.
K4.65860.0 ZMU-3 Bracket assy.
Slide the bracket over the ZMU-3 rosette, rotate it, until
the lug hides under the WZE-3‘s knurled screw. Fasten
the bracket on the WZE-3 and use a 3mm hex wrench
to secure the bracket on the ZMU-3‘s rosette edge.