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Or contact your local independently owned and operated
Power Wheels
Authorized Service Center.
For the location nearest you, visit us on-line at www.powerwheels.com.
Arctic Cat, the Aircat logo, Prowler 650, and related emblems, logos and vehicle body designs are trademarks of Arctic Cat, Inc.,
and are used under license to Fisher-Price from Arctic Cat, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fisher-Price, Inc., a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc., East Aurora, New York 14052 U.S.A.
©2009 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ® and ™ designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc., unless otherwise indicated.
Before first-time use,
you must charge the battery
18 hours!
Charge the battery immediately after each use.
Charge the battery once a month, even if the vehicle
is not used or stored.
Do not return
your vehicle to the store!