Maintenance: Parts Replacement
16 Symmetra PX 160 kW 400 V Operation 990-3015-001
Replacement parts
Warning: Only trained persons familiar with the construction and operation of the
equipment, as well as the electrical and mechanical hazards involved, may install and
remove system components.
Before removing any power modules, make sure that the remaining power modules can
support the load.
Part APC Part No.
16 kW power module SYPM10K16H
Battery module SYBT9-B4
Intelligence Module (MIM) OG-SYMIM16
APC SS Call-UPS II Accessory card AP9608
Smartslot relay I/O Module AP9610
UPS Network Management card AP9617
UPS Network Management card with Environmental
Monitoring and Out of Band Management card
UPS Network Management card with Environmental
Modbus/Jbus Interface card AP9622
Power Distribution Module Go to www.apc.com for a
complete list of breaker modules.