Switched Rack PDU User Guide63
Enable outlet groups
Click the Device Manager tab and select Group Configuration from the Outlet Groups left navigation
menu. Configure the following parameters, and click Apply.
Enable creation of outlet groups.
Enable support for global outlet groups (linked groups).
Setting parameters for outlet groups using Network mode.
Note: Devices attempting to synchronize with Outlet Groups on other devices using network mode must
all have the same Authentication Phrase and Encryption Phrase. The values are hidden to the user.
Create a local outlet group
1. From the Device Manager tab, select Information from the Outlet Groups left navigation
2. Make sure outlet groups are enabled. (See “Enable outlet groups” on page 63.)
3. Click Create Local Outlet Group.
4. Select the checkboxes of the outlets that will be in the group and assign the group a name in the
Outlet Group Name field. You must select at least two outlets.
Parameters Description
Device Level
Outlet Group
To create an outlet group, you must enable the desired group method.
Choices are Disabled, Local Only, Enabled via Network, and Enabled
via In/Out Ports (Network Port Sharing).
Parameters Description
Member Name To link outlet groups on multiple Switched Rack PDUs, you must
define the same Member name on each of the Rack PDUs.
Note: A maximum of four devices can be configured with the same
Member name.
Parameters Description
Multicast IP To link outlet groups on multiple Switched Rack PDUs, you must
define the same Multicast IP address on each of the Rack PDUs.
Note: A maximum of four devices can be configured with the same
Member name and Multicast IP address.
A phrase of 15 to 32 ASCII characters that verifies that the device is
communicating with other devices, that the message has not been
changed during transmission, and that the message was communicated
in a timely manner. The authentication phrase indicates that it was not
delayed and that it was not copied and sent again later at an
inappropriate time.
A phrase of 15 to 32 ASCII characters that ensures the privacy of the
data (by means of encryption).
Outlet Group
The port number on which the device will communicate with other
devices. This must be the same on all PDUs in a group.