Switched Rack PDU
Use this option to disable (the default) or enable the Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP). WAP is a standard for providing cellular phones, pagers
and other handheld devices with secure access to e-mail and text-based
Web pages. WAP runs on all major wireless networks and is device-
independent, so that it can be used with many phones and handheld
ISX Protocol (control console only)
Use this option to enable (the default) or disable the APC InfraStruXure
(ISX) Protocol. The APC InfraStruXure (ISX) Protocol allows the Switched
Rack PDU to communicate with other APC devices, including the
InfraStruXure Manager, if your system includes one.
Fingerprints Each fingerprint is a long string of alphanumeric characters punctuated
by colons. A fingerprint is a unique identifier that you can use to further
authenticate the server. Record the fingerprints to compare with the
fingerprints contained in the certificate, as displayed in the browser.
SHA1 Fingerprint: This fingerprint is created by a Secure Hash
Algorithm (SHA).
MD5 Fingerprint: This fingerprint is created by a Message Digest 5
(MD5) algorithm.
Parameter Description