InRow RC/RD/RP (600 mm) User’s Guide62
How to Export Configuration Settin
Retrieving and Exporting the .ini File
Summary of the procedure
An Administrator can retrieve the .ini file of the cooling unit and export that file to another cooling unit
or to multiple cooling units.
1. Configure the cooling unit to have the settings you want to export.
2. Retrieve the .ini file from that cooling unit.
3. Customize the .ini file (to change at least the TCP/IP settings) and make a copy to export.
4. Use a file transfer protocol supported by the cooling unit to transfer the copied file to one or more
additional cooling units. (To transfer the file to multiple cooling units simultaneously, use an FTP
or SCP script or the APC .ini file utility.
Each receiving cooling unit uses the file to reconfigure its own settings, and then deletes it.
Contents of the .ini file
The config.ini file that you retrieve from the cooling unit contains the following:
• Section headings, which are category names enclosed in brackets ([ ]), and under each section
heading, keywords, which are labels describing specific cooling unit settings.
• Each keyword is followed by an equals sign and the current value for that parameter’s setting,
either the default value (if the value has not been specifically configured) or the configured value.
Override keyword, with its default value, prevents one or more keywords and their
device-specific values from being exported. For example, in the
[NetworkTCP/IP] section,
the default value for
Override (the MAC address of the cooling unit) blocks the exporting of
the values for the keywords
SystemIP, SubnetMask, DefaultGateway, and BootMode.
– You must edit the section
[SystemDate/Time] to set the system date and time of a receiving
cooling unit or cause that cooling unit to use an NTP Server to set its date and time.
Note: Only section headings and keywords supported by the cooling unit from which
you retrieve the file are included.
See “Customizing” on page 63 for configuration guidelines for date and time settings.