
Specification guide
Single UPS, three-phase, 160 to 500 kVA
APC by Schneider Electric Edition - 01/2010 Single UPS spec - p.
All power and control electronics shall be accessible from the front of the UPS.
2.6. Battery maintenance
For safe maintenance on the battery, the system shall include a circuit breaker to isolate the battery from the
rectifier, the charger and the inverter. When the battery is isolated from the system, the UPS shall continue to
supply the load without interruption or disturbance, except in the event of a normal AC source outage.
2.7. Cold start (normal AC source absent)
The battery shall be capable of starting the UPS if the normal AC source is absent and continue supplying power to
the load within the specified backup time. Cold start on battery power shall be possible on the condition that the
system shall have started at least once on normal AC power.
3. Sizing and general characteristics
3.1. Technology
UPS technology shall be based on IGBT transistors for all the power converters (rectifier, charger and inverter with
variable chopping frequency).
3.2. Rating
The UPS shall be sized to continuously supply a load of…[160/200250 / 300 / 400 / 500] kVA at a power factor of
3.3. Battery backup time
The battery backup time in the event of a normal AC source outage shall be _______ minutes, for a load power
factor of 0.9.
The battery shall be designed for a service life of …[ 10 / 12 ]…years. It shall be selected and sized
correspondingly, for a load power factor of 0.9.
3.4. Types of loads accepted
The UPS shall accept high crest factors (3:1) without derating (kW) to ensure correct operation with computer loads
and loads where the leading power factor can reach 0.9.
The total harmonic voltage distortion at UPS output (THDU downstream) shall respect the following limits:
ω THDU downstream ph/ph 3% for non-linear loads.
3.5. PFC sinusoidal-current input rectifier
The UPS system shall not draw a level of harmonic currents that could disturb the upstream AC system, i.e. it shall
comply with the stipulations of guide IEC 61000-3-4.
The PFC input rectifier using sinusoidal-current IGBTs shall have the following performance levels:
ω Total harmonic current distortion (THDI) upstream of the rectifier not exceeding 5%,
ω Input power factor (PF) greater than 0.99 from 50% load upwards.
3.6. Output without a transformer
To reduce losses, dimensions and weight, the UPS output shall be of the transformerless type and the neutral shall
be recreated electronically.
3.7. Efficiency
Overall efficiency (between the rectifier input and the UPS output) shall be greater than or equal to:
ω 94.5% from 50% load to full rated load (In).
3.8. Noise level
The noise level, measured as per standard ISO3746, shall be less than …[75 dBA (for160, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500