
34001813EN/AE - Page 47
3. Operation
Operating mode
Automatic bypass
Function Factory setting Options
UPS operating mode NORMAL ECO
UPS automatic start Disabled Enabled
Authorised number of starts 4 1 to 255
Delay before reset of number of
executed automatic starts
4 seconds 1 to 60 seconds
UPS output frequency 50 Hz 60 Hz
Tolerance for Bypass AC source 8 % 0.5 - 1 - 2 - 4 %
Synchronisation speed with Bypass
AC source
2 Hz / s 1 Hz / s
Transfer to Bypass AC source Enabled Disabled - disabled when limiting
Transfer to bypass with Bypass AC
source out of tolerances
Enabled Disabled
Low battery warning threshold if
battery monitor inactive
40% remaining backup time 20 - 60 - 80 % remaining backup time
Low battery warning threshold if
battery monitor active
4 minutes of battery backup time 1 to X minutes of battery backup time
Interval between two battery tests 30 days 1 to 180 days