EDITION · 42 ·
The Kindle Store offers over one thousand Kindle blogs, including up-to-the-minute
news feeds and topical blogs. Blog categories include business, technology, sports,
politics, culture, entertainment, humor, and science. Kindle blogs are sent to you
wirelessly throughout the day, allowing you to keep current. Unlike traditional feeds,
which often only provide headlines, Kindle downloads the complete feed onto the
device so you can read them even when you are not wirelessly connected.
In addition to purchased content, you can read your personal documents on Kindle.
If you have files formatted as text, Microsoft Word, HTML, PDF, or image files like
GIF or JPEG, you can e-mail the files as attachments to your Kindle e-mail address.
Amazon will convert the files if necessary and send them back to your computer for
free or wirelessly to your Kindle for a small fee, whichever you prefer. Currently, the
conversion of PDF documents is an experimental feature. Some complex PDF files
might not format correctly on your Kindle. For more information on transferring,
converting, and e-mailing your personal documents, see Chapter 8.
You can download and enjoy thousands of audiobooks from Audible.com. Due to their
large file size, audiobooks must be downloaded to your PC or Mac over your existing
Internet connection and then transferred to Kindle over USB. Listen to audiobooks
through Kindle’s speakers or plug in your headphones for private listening. For more
information on transferring and listening to audiobooks, see Chapter 8.
If you like to listen to music while you use your Kindle, use your computer to transfer
MP3 files to the “music” folder on your Kindle. When you select “Play MP3” from
the Experimental page, each of the songs will play in the order they were added to
your Kindle.