
| Removing a Book | 19
Removing a Book
Because the Kindle Fire HD has limited onboard memory capacity, you may want to remove books you've read or
plan to read later to make space for other content.
Because digital books take up no real physical space and can be easily acquired, you may find you have more books
on your Kindle Fire HD than you need. This situation can become a problem since the Kindle Fire HD is not designed
to let users upgrade its onboard memory. Fortunately, removing content from your device doesn't mean putting it back
on the device is impossible thanks to Amazon Cloud storage.
Follow these steps to remove a book from your Kindle Fire HD:
Locate the cover icon for the book you want to remove by one of these methods:
Option Description
On the Carousel
Navigate to the Home screen, and scroll through the
Carousel to find the book cover icon.
Figure 9: The Carousel on the Home screen