
Customizing Traffic Information
You can choose the way your traffic and navigation information is
displayed using the traffic information setup controls.
Go to Main Menu
Select Setup
Select Traffic
The Traffic Setup menu appears and displays
the system status and traffic setup options.
Use the large arrow button at the bottom of the screen to view additional
options. All traffic setup options are detailed below:
System Status
System Status displays the strength of the signal being received.
To improve the signal strength, please see page 40.
Traffic Reroute
ON: When a traffic incident occurs on the
way to the destination, a pop-up window
will appear on the screen and ask you if
you want to take a different route.
OFF: No action will be taken based upon
traffic incidents and the current route will
not be effected.
Displaying Traffic Icons
When the system receives traffic incident
information it can display the information
on the map screen using icons in several
shapes and colors. To the right of Icon,
touch Show or Hide to make your
Show: The selected traffic incident icons will be displayed on the map.
Hide: No traffic incident icons will be displayed on the map.