Indication for SAT Receiver Mode
• MiniTuner missing/ disconnected or no communication between
the unit and XM Radio.
- Check the XM Tuner.
• The XM or Sirius antenna is not connected to the XM or SIRIUS
radio module.
- Check whether the XM or Sirius antenna cable is attached
securely to the XM or Sirius radio module.
• XM or Sirius signal is too weak at the current location.
- Wait until the car reaches a location with a stronger signal.
• Radio is acquiring audio or program information.
- Wait until the radio has received the information.
• The channel currently selected has stopped broadcasting.
- Select another channel.
• The user has selected a channel number that does not exist.
- The unit will revert back to the previously selected channel.
• The user has selected a channel number that is not authorized.
- The unit will revert back to the previously selected channel or
channel 1.
• Radio’s firmware is being updated. During firmware update,
audio will be muted until update is completed.
- Wait until the update is completed. After completion,
automatically re-tune to previous channel.
• The subscribed program is being updated. During update, audio
will be muted until update is completed.
- Wait until the update is completed. After completion, follow
the indication “SUB Updated Press Any Key” to press any key
on the unit to continue, the unit automatically re-tune to
previous channel.
• The Receiver is updating the Sirius channel line up. During
update audio will be muted until update is completed.
- Wait until the channel update is completed. After completion,
the unit automatically re-tune to previous channel.
Indication for iPhone/iPod Mode
• Abnormal current is run to the USB connector device.
- Attempt to connect another iPhone/iPod.
• An iPhone/iPod that is not supported by the unit is connected.
- Connect an iPhone/iPod that is supported by the unit.
- Reset the iPod.
• An iPhone/iPod is not connected.
- Make sure the iPhone/iPod is correctly connected and the cable
is not excessively bent.
• There are no songs in the iPhone/iPod.
- Download songs to the iPhone/iPod and connect to the
• Communication error.
- Turn the ignition key off, and then set to ON again.
- Check the display by reconnecting between the iPhone/iPod
and the unit, using the iPhone/iPod cable.
• Caused by the iPhone/iPod Software Version not being
compatible with this unit.
- Update the iPhone/iPod Software Version to be compatible
with this unit.
(XM mode)
(XM mode)
(Sirius mode)
(XM mode)
(Sirius mode)
(XM mode)
(XM mode)
(XM mode)
(Sirius mode)
(XM mode)
(Sirius mode)
(Sirius mode)
(Sirius mode)