02 Set Time and Date
1. Make sure the Ultraprobe is off.
2. Press (click) both the Yellow Store button and the Sensitivity dial at the same time, then squeeze and hold the
3. When in the first Menu Selection : “Data Transfer” (Menu 01), you may move to any of the other Menu Selections
by spinning the Sensitivity Control up or down (clockwise or counter clockwise).
4. Spin to “Set Time and Date” (Menu 02 blinks) and click in (EXIT Blinks), .
5. Spin to desired month or day or year and Click (selected number will blink rapidly).
6. Spin to select a new value
7. Click to set.
8. Spin to TIME setting and click on either Hour or Minute (the displayed number will blink rapidly).
9. Once an hour or minute has been selected, spin to select a new value.
10. Click to set.
11. When through, Spin the Sensitivity Control until EXIT flashes.
12. Click the Sensitivity Control again and return to the Set Up Mode.
13. Spin to Exit to PGM (Exit to Program) Menu 9 blinks. Click to enter Operation Mode.
03 dB Scale Select
dB Select has two settings from which to choose. These settings will determine the baseline dB reference level of the
instrument. Once selected, all test results will be based on the selected baseline dB level. There are two scales: Relative
and dB offset.
Relative sets the instrument to the 0 dB of the instrument’s internal minimal detection value and is the factory default
dB offset is a dB level that is a new minimum reference level set by the user. This value may be any dB level above the
natural 0 dB of the instrument. Once set, the preset level must be subtracted from the reading to determine an accurate
dB increase. (EG: if “10” is the dB offset value and a subsequent reading is 25 dB, then the increase is 15 dB.)
To select a dB reference scale:
1. Make sure the Ultraprobe is off.
2. Press (click) both the Yellow Store button and the Sensitivity dial at the same time, then squeeze and hold the
3. When in the first Menu Selection : “Data Transfer” (Menu 01), you may move to any of the other Menu Selections
by spinning the Sensitivity Control up or down (clockwise or counter clockwise).
4. Spin to dB Scale Select (Menu 03 blinks).
6. Click in the Sensitivity Control.
7. Spin the Sensitivity Control to the desired scale (Relative or Offset).
8. Click the Sensitivity Control to set and return to the set up mode.
9. Spin to Exit to PGM (Exit to Program) Menu 09 blinks. Click to enter Operation Mode
Set Time & Date
DATE 1/01/99
dB Scale Select