
Editing Programs: Chapter 6
QSR Reference Manual 29
Controllers (A, B, C, D) Four incoming MIDI controllers can be recognized by
the QSR and used as modulation sources. These controllers are assigned as A–D
in Global Mode (see Chapter 8).
Tracking Generator This accepts the output of a signal processed by the
Tracking Generator module (see page 81).
Stepped Tracking Generator This accepts the output of a signal processed by
the Tracking Generator module in stepped mode (see page 81).
Modulation Destination Page 2
Select from the following modulation destinations. You can find out more about these
parameters and how they affect the sound in their respective sections (to learn how
Pitch Envelope Attack affects the sound, see page 74 on Pitch Envelopes).
Pitch • Filter Cutoff Amplitude
Effect Send Pitch LFO Speed Pitch LFO Amp
Pitch LFO Delay Pitch Envelope Delay Pitch Envelope Attack
Pitch Envelope Decay Pitch Envelope Sustain Decay Pitch Envelope Release
Pitch Envelope Amp Filter LFO Speed Filter LFO Amp
Filter LFO Delay Filter Envelope Delay Filter Envelope Attack
Filter Envelope Decay Filter Envelope Sustain Decay Filter Envelope Release
Filter Envelope Amp Amp LFO Speed Amp LFO Amp
Amp LFO Delay Amp Envelope Delay Amp Envelope Attack
Amp Envelope Decay Amp Envelope Sustain Decay Amp Envelope Release
Amp Envelope Amp Portamento Rate
Modulation Level (-99 to +99) Page 3
At +00, the modulation source has no effect on the destination. Higher positive values
increase the amount of modulation. Negative values also increase the amount of
modulation, but with negative phase (i.e., if the modulation would normally be
increasing with depth set to a positive number, the modulation would instead be
decreasing at that same moment had the depth been set to a negative number).
Gate Mode (Off or On) Page 4 (Mods 1 - 3 Only)
The Gate Mode function is available only on modulation routings 1 through 3. When
Gate Mode is on, the Modulator will only be routed while notes are being played. In
other words, you can gate the effect of the Modulator so that it stops when you are
not playing any notes. This can be used on sounds with medium to long release
times, where an interesting effect (like tremolo) is intended to be active while holding
notes down, but deactivated as the sound is fading away after being released.
Quantize Mode (Off or On) Page 4 (Mods 4 - 6 Only)
The Quantize Mode function is only available in modulation routings 4 through 6.
When Quantize Mode is on, the modulation effect will be stepped. When off, the
effect will be smooth, or linear. Example: If you were to route the Modulation Wheel
to Pitch with an amplitude of +99, moving the Mod Wheel while the Quantize
parameter was off would cause the pitch of a held note to slide up, much the same
way it does when the Pitch Bend Wheel is used. However, moving the Mod Wheel
while the Quantize parameter was on would cause the pitch of a held note to rise in
half-step increments.