Appendix A: Glossary
All Notes Off a command that is transmitted to all devices in a MIDI system
that prevents notes from becoming stuck on
Channel one of sixteen separate “paths” that Voice and Mode data can
travel on
Channel Messages data that communicates Voice and Mode messages on a specific,
user-selected Channel
Controllers commands that are used for musical expression (volume,
sustain, vibrato, etc.) or remote control of other devices in the
MIDI system (reverb depth, bank select, etc.)
MIDI “Musical Instrument Digital Interface”; refers to the system of
connecting microprocessor-controlled instruments and devices
for sharing information
MIDI IN the port on a device that receives MIDI data
MIDI OUT the port on a device that transmits the MIDI data generated by
the device
MIDI THRU the port on a device that passes received MIDI data to the next
device in the chain
Mode a particular state that an instrument or device is currently in;
in MIDI, “mode” refers to the unit’s receive state that determines
1. how MIDI messages are received, and 2. how voices will be
assigned to handle MIDI notes
Program Change a command that instructs the receiving instrument to recall a
specific sound program from memory