
3. The Remote option is used to send/receive Control Surface commands. i.e,
the transport controls, the knobs, and the faders. (see Custom Assigning
Controls for more on this)
To use the knobs, faders, and transport to control Ableton turn Remote
On for the 1st input. This will route these messages into the software
enabling you to use the knobs, faders, and transport to control different
functions in the software.
By default they are assigned to their best controls already. If you have the
knobs or faders assigned to midi port B on your MPD or MPK then you
would turn Remote On for input 2.
If you would like to use another controller via the MPD or MPKs MIDI in
port then turn Remote On for input 3. To route Control Change messages
through the MIDI out port on the MPD or MPK, turn Remote On for output