Wireless Access
Control Mode
Select the Access Control Mode from the
pull-down menu.
Disable: Select to disable Wireless Access
Control Mode.
Allow Listed: Only the stations shown in the
table can associate with the AP.
Deny Listed: Stations shown in the table
won’t be able to associate with the AP.
MAC Address Enter the MAC Address of a station that is
allowed to access this Access Point.
Comment You may enter up to 20 characters to help
you describe the device whose MAC address
you have entered.
Apply Changes Click to save your new settings.
Reset Click to discard the data you have entered.
Current Access
Control List
Click to show the current access control list.
Delete Selected To delete clients from your Access Control
List, check the Select checkbox next to the
MAC address, and click Delete Selected.
Delete All To delete all the clients from your Access
Control List, click Delete All.
Reset If you have made any selections, clicking
Reset will clear all of your selections.